In the humid and sub-humid areas, agricultural production is largely rain fed and this needs to be urgently\r\nsupplemented by irrigation practice if the country is to meet its food demand. A two years study was carried out at the\r\nexperimental site of the Institute of Agricultural Technology and Biosystems Engineering, Johan Heinrich von Th�¼nen Institute\r\n(vTI), Braunschweig, Germany to compare performance of maize crop for silage production using three different irrigation\r\nsystems; rain fed, drip and rain-gun sprinkler. Growth parameters such as plant height, stem diameter were measured. The\r\ntotal yields of silage were obtained for all treatments at the harvesting. The experimental results reveal that total yields\r\nobtained from different treatments were 25.76, 24.23 and 9.30 Mg ha-1 in drip, rain-gun and rain fed irrigated maize,\r\nrespectively. The results also showed that the water use efficiency reached 11.01 kg m-3 for drip irrigation in while it was\r\n8.84 kg m-3 for rain-gun system.